Friday, January 14, 2011

I always thought after that night's talk, we had a closure. I found answers I need to know and you had your chance in justifying yourself.
Yes, closure. It sounds pretty cool with all the patching up, being friends again. Well, cliché as it sounds, moving on. But truth always gives me less expected of how I wish it will turn out.
There isn't really a closure is there? Because all I know was as soon as the clock strikes twelve, loneliness seems to find its way right to my poor heart. I find excuses for myself to leave you a message, to call or even to meet you. I left drafts in my inbox which were meant for you. I sang songs about you with my guitar. And I took long jogs at the park just to relive our moments.
Truth is, I miss you so badly. And what left unsaid is, everyday I still hope.
I hope for you to come back even though I know you will never get to see the messages I've never sent out. You will never get to listen to the sadness in my song. And you will never get to see all the foolish nights where I just sat at the park by myself listening to conversations in my head. But I wish and hope somehow a miracle will happen. So much for a closure eh?
Who am I kidding? All this time I knew that all the feelings I had and have are still there. Unfinished business.